"The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life"
Robert Louis Stevenson

January 22, 2015

Treasure finding: Vintage Marx and Guntherz (Carslbad )Tea cups

Marx and Guntherz tea cups and saucers

Treasure finding in second hand stores or garage sales is one of my favorite things.  I really got into it while living in Belgium.

Many expats, English speaking families and thus my own lived in the town of Waterloo (close to Brussels).  Famous for the Battle of Waterloo, ABBA's hit single, and most recently, for its Antiques' Market that happens every other Sunday at the Carrefour (Walmart-type French super store) parking lot on the road to Braine L'Alleud.  It is a HUGE market and very popular with tourist and Antique collectors throughout Europe.  

So when I moved to NJ, I thought I was bidding goodbye to my treasure searching days but I'm glad I was wrong.  In this area, northern New Jersey, during Spring and Summer, there are so many garage sales on the weekends that you can make it a whole day out sort of thing.  Also, on average there are four Estate Sales per month throughout the year mostly from homes that are close to a million dollars.  However I have yet to attend a Estate Sale, I guess I don't feel the need when I can shop from my local SWAP facebook page.  Seriously, it is very easy to get addicted to it.  There are always great deals.  So it is here where I got these beautiful vintage stamped and numbered, pastel colored set of 7 tea cups and saucers from Marx and Guntherz Carslbad.  And the best part is that I only paid $20 for the whole set

Well, I don't know much about them except that this specific type was made between 1895 an 1919 in Germany.  And somehow that is all I need to know.  Maybe its because the lack of information lets my imagination take over and I can see rich beautiful women at Hightea somewhere in England.

Maybe too much Downtown Abby ;)

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