"The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life"
Robert Louis Stevenson

September 04, 2012

Children's Cool Cardboard Car Wash

DIY children's cardboard carwash
My son loves to go through the car wash and thinks this is something everyone does every weekend.  He likes it so much that sometimes when we ask him what he wants to do for the day he will say:  "wash car".  For him the car wash is as good as going to the park.  That is why a few months ago we decided to build him an outside car wash for his toy cars.  Searching different options I found a really cool one on the Disney Family Fun website, but we never got around getting all the materials...and as it is already September we decided to wait until next spring and then give it another try.

Then last week Monday I set myself to let Nicholas enjoy the last week of school vacation as much as possible.  I had a few activities planned but still had some free space in the calendar so I thought probably the best ways to fill those gaps was to give him a new toy, but instead of buying one I would make him one.  I found this website, http://www.filthwizardry.com/2009/01/home-made-toy-carwash.html and use it as inspiration to make a cardboard car wash.  I used only things I had around the house and it took me about two hours to complete.

I started making it on the spot so there wasn't much planning ahead, the only thing I knew was that I wanted it to be interactive and only with materials I had in the house.    I decided to have 3 interactive stations to make it easy, manageable and playable (my son is not yet 3).  First station had two top spin wheels, the second station had two side spin wheels and the third station was the dryer.   For materials I was lucky enough to find a box on my recycling bin that had transparent sides and top which were perfect for the visibility of  the different stations and for the entrance and exit doors.  For the top spin wheels I used red cardboard and rolled it onto wood skewers, for the side spin wheels I used felt scraps and also rolled it onto wood skewers.  For the dryer I used colored serpentine and punched a few wholes on the box to blow air through and create serpentine movement.  I also decided to cover the box with serpentine to create a car wash feel on the box.  This last step was the longest. 

Needless to say, as soon as my son woke up from his nap, he started playing with the car wash giving his cars a good scrub ;0).  He loved it! and I was also really happy with the results.

-rectangular box
-4 wood skewers
-colored cardboard paper
-felt scraps
-white glue

How to:
1. Start by cutting out the sides of the box to make entrance and exit areas for the cars

2. Cut 8 small 1x2 inch rectangles of cardboard paper
3. Cut fringes in each piece of cardboard paper and then roll 4 pieces onto one skewer one behind the other starting on the center and moving out.  Do the same with another skewer and fill it up with the remaining pieces of paper
4.  Wrap the felt scrap pieces onto the remaining two skewers.

5.  Cut serpentine in the size of the internal length and width of the box (taking into consideration that part of the serpentine will be pasted onto the top of the box).  The serpentine is supposed to be the hanging loose clothes used for drying the cars .  Paste this section onto the top end side of the box close to the exit side.

6.  Close to the Entrance side of the box, make two parallel holes going from top to bottom to fit the felt skewers.
7.  On the center of the box make two set of holes crossing the upper side of the box going from one side to the other.  This will be where the upper spin wheels will be located.

8.  Install all wheels in place.
9.  Cover the box with pretty paper, serpentine(in my case) or just add the words car wash to it. 

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