"The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life"
Robert Louis Stevenson

January 23, 2015

Plated Dinners: The Experience

Plated-Vietnamese-Beef-Pho, my own version

I have been wanting to try Plated dinners for a while now and today I got my first trial box.  Just in case you don't know Plated, they are a company that provides customers with weekly menus and ingredients portioned for an easy cooking experience.  All dinners are supposed to take 30-40 minutes and customers are able to choose the type of menus they want to receive.  It's not a cheap option for a family of 5 (as every plate costs $10) but it is a great alternative for young working couples who don't have much time for grocery shopping before dinner but still enjoy the idea of having a homemade meal at the end of the day.

Well, I'm not single, or working full time, but I still LOVED the experience!  I guess that is part of what this is all about... a whole experience which starts when you first get the box delivered home.  When you open in it you see a world of culinary possibilities! With beautiful recipe cards and all fresh, organic ingredients to make healthy, tasty, and beautiful looking dishes.   It just makes you want to keep buying their menus on a weekly basis.

Plated ingredients
Plated recipe cards 

Although for me this will not happen,  I have to say that my first experience has been great!  The recipe I made today was Vietnamese Beef Pho and the taste was very pure.  All ingredients were fresh, rightly portioned, the meal took about 40 minutes to be ready and the recipe was easy to follow.
My husband and I really enjoyed it. 

Look at the pictures, do you see what I mean?

Plated box

Plated box and recipe cards

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