"The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life"
Robert Louis Stevenson

February 08, 2015

DIY: Fun, quick and Easy Pipe Cleaner Snowflake Tutorial

DIY small cute pipe cleaner snowflakes

I have not mention it yet, but me and a friend are teaching and Intro to Spanish class for preschoolers.  We are in our trial period right now, and depending on how things go, we might make it into a full class for September this year.  We will see...In any case, for the lesson I prepared for this past week, I wanted to have a fun activity.  The theme was "The Weather" and textured, colorful little snowflakes were a perfect visual aid for the little guys.

The good news is that after the lesson,  the kids can keep these snowflakes and use them as  fun winter decorations.  (They would've also been great for Christmas but I had so many other projects around Christmas time that these one never popped to mind).

So in any case, I took my Spanish lesson as an opportunity to create a tutorial about how to make a simple pipe cleaner snowflake.  I am sure there are a lot of snowflake tutorials out there, but on purpose, I did not Google any of them, so any similarities with others you might see are pure coincidences.   

Let's begin:  they are very easy to make, you can make them small using just 1 pipe cleaner or big using 3 pipe cleaners. Personally I think the snowflakes look much cuter in the smaller version, so I thought it was better to make  a lot of small snowflakes versus one or two of the bigger one.
If you are making the bigger version (using 3 pipe cleaners) just go to step 5 and tie the pipe cleaners as on the picture

DIY small cute pipe cleaner snowflakes
Step 1: "Z" shape the pipe cleaner
DIY small cute pipe cleaner snowflakes
Step 2: Gather all the sides
DIY small cute pipe cleaner snowflakes
Step 3: "tie" the pipe cleaners in the middle

DIY small cute pipe cleaner snowflakes
Step 4: Cut the loops
DIY small cute pipe cleaner snowflakes
Step 5: this is the way it should look once you cut the loops.
DIY small cute pipe cleaner snowflakes
Step 6: Make a "Z" on each of the 6 legs
DIY small cute pipe cleaner snowflakes
Step 7: then pull the "Z" down towards the rest of the "leg" and form a "Y".  Repeat for each side