"The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life"
Robert Louis Stevenson

March 16, 2015

Cute and Original Origami Elephants for the Nursery

Nursery origami elephant
Using Origami for decoration is relatively new to me.  I've played with Origami, I made a swan once and I was impressed by the origami balloons (a cube made out of paper where a gentle blow puffs it up into a balloon), and I even fold my plastic bags using an Origami technique, but never really though of it as a decorating alternative.  That is until my mom started trying Origami last summer.  She made boxes, stars, and some animals.  She even made a whole bunch of Christmas ornaments in beautiful pastel colors using paper with intricate designs.  The combinations were really gorgeous.  I have another post on that coming up.

origami elephants
origami elephants
Well back to my first Origami for decoration experience...when she showed me the things she had made I was really impressed.  At the time I was looking into original ways of decorating my new baby's nursery following the jungle theme of the bedding set I had bought for him.  So naturally my first Origami trials were animals.  I tried a giraffe and the elephant and even a butterfly.  The giraffe was not so easy and I did not have enough patience to finish it so after about an hour of trying, I gave up.  The butterfly wasn't so bad, I was able to finish it, but I was having a boy so that was not going to cut it.  I looked into lions, but couldn't find anything that seemed easy enough for a beginner.  However I was able to find a youtube tutorial for an elephant which was easy enough for me to repeat and make more than one.  (My mom actually made the other two for me).  Here is the link to Leyla Torres elephant blog and video tutorial.
Nursery origami elephant
I think this ended up looking really cute and I think it adds a lot of color and personality to the nursery.  I love the way it sits with the rest of the room.

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